That's what I am these days. Hazel attacks Hattie several times a day. I can't tell you how many times she had been kicked or hit by Hazel. Sometimes it's on purpose, but most of the time she just doesn't know how to be gentle. I always tell her to kiss the baby on the head, but Hazel prefers the lips. She knows she is not supposed to, so she does it when she thinks I'm not looking. She even kisses her with her runny nose. It's a miracle Hattie isn't sick yet. The other day I asked Hazel to get a tissue for her nose, and instead she grabbed Hattie's blanket and wiped her nose.
If I'm not holding Hattie, I either have to have Hazel locked up or Hattie. I left Hattie on my bed one day while I went to switch the laundry and when I came back Hazel was pulling Hattie off the bed by her feet and I barely saved her before the big fall. I left Hattie in the bassinet while I went to the bathroom, and I forgot to shut the door of the room and when I came back Hazel was climbing in with Hattie.
We finally bought a double stroller and Hazel is really excited there are two seats, but I'm a little worried having them sitting so close to each other. I know they will both be strapped in, but Hazel always finds a way to create some trouble. We had their car seats next to each other, but that was a problem and we had to separate them.
Hazel has tried brushing Hattie's hair with her hard bristled brush and like I said before, she doesn't know how to be gentle. She tries to play with her sister and says, "Give me 5" and then slaps Hattie's closed fist. She tries to lay right next to her, and as she is scooting in close she bangs her head on Hattie's. When Hazel is eating a snack, she wants to share with Hattie. I've explained to her she can only have milk, but Hazel is usually persistent and tries to shove the food in Hattie's mouth. I know she likes her new sister, but it can be very frustrating sometimes. Hopefully Hazel will learn to be more gentle soon.