
Summer Riding

Almost four years ago while Brendan and I were dating, he purchased a tandem bike for us. We love it and have gotten a lot of use out of it, but last summer we were not able to use it with Hazel. This year we replaced the front basket for a baby seat, and are now ready for lots of summer riding.

These pictures were taken before we started our bike ride where Hazel was so happy she was clapping. She hadn't had a nap and became super tired in the middle of our ride. She fell asleep with her heavy helmet bobbing, and I had to stop and take her out and walk her home in my arms asleep.


Dawn said...

Love the bike seat on the front. Did you get that idea from Japan or is that where everyone is placing them now? Looks like so much fun.

Taryn said...

Looks like fun! It's nice that Hazel is able to participate!

Tabitha said...

what a cute family photo. You guys are so fun!

ivyjeanne said...

goodness, you guys are so cute! i love that hazel already has a bike helmet. makes me want to get out on a bike this summer for sure.

Unknown said...

I bet you guys are having so much fun!