
4th Anniversary - Paragliding/Hang gliding

  4th Anniversary was back in June, but we didn't do our anniversary activity until the end of October, and I forgot to post about it.  In October of 2010 I saw a deal on groupon for hang gliding and thought it would be a fun activity to surprise Brendan with for our 4th anniversary, and we had a year to use the certificate.  After I bought them, I found out I was pregnant with Hattie and I would be 8 months pregnant on our anniversary.  A little before our anniversary I told Brendan what I had planned on doing, and we would just do it after Hattie was born sometime.  Brendan was kind of nervous about the whole thing, because he thought we shouldn't risk our lives now that we have kids.  I had read about it, and didn't find it that dangerous.  October came, and our certificates were going to expire and Brendan couldn't find anyone to buy them, so we decided to go.  It ended up being fun, but short.  On the website it said our ride supposed to be around 20 minutes.  I think Brendan's was 5 minutes, and mine was a minute and a half.  It was the most expensive minute and a half of my life.  Apparently it was because of the wind, but I think they should have taken us twice, but I wasn't about to get mad at the guy and demand to be strapped to him again and jump off a mountain.  It was short, but I guess we can just chalk it up on our list of things we've done.

 Brendan with his tandem paragliding partner and instructor.
 In the air.
 Me after we just landed.
All strapped up.

Brendan's take off.

My whole flight.  It was pretty cool to fly like a bird.

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

I was wondering if you guys ever did this, but I kept forgetting to ask. Looks really cool!