
Birth Story

Some people wanted to know how my birth went, so I'll briefly share. I took the day off of work on Thursday, May 28, because it was field day and I didn't want to be out in the hot sun. I also had a doctor's appointment because I was a week overdue. At my doctor's appointment they did a non stress test and then an ultra sound. Everything looked fine. They said I had plenty of amniotic fluid, in fact I had so much they said my baby was swimming. As they did my non stress test I was having a few small contractions. I was dilated to a 4 and was 70% effaced.

When I got home from my appointment I noticed I was having contractions every 5 minutes, but they weren't very strong. This was around 5 p.m. I called my instructional assistant and made sure she could sub for me at work the next day. I was kind of sad because it was the last day of school. I also called my doula and gave her the heads up that I was going into labor. I labored the whole night which made me exhausted. I tried to sleep between contractions, but it was only 5 minutes. At 5:15 a.m. I was laying in bed having a contraction when my water broke. I woke Brendan and we went to the hospital. I got to the hospital around 5:30 a.m. I was dilated between 6 and 7 cm and was 90% effaced when I arrived. I then had Hazel at 10:30 a.m.

I did everything naturally. The hardest part was pushing. I pushed for 50 minutes, and it seemed like forever. I was very pleased with how everything went. I really liked my midwife, and it was great to have Brendan and the doula helping me while I labored.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Oh my goodness. You are amazing Dana! Way to do it all natural. Hazel is beautiful. Sorry Rick and I missed the baby blessing. I love that Jolene was here in town and that she was able to make it.