
Happy Hazel

BYU's newest cheerleader.

We bought Hazel a tummy time mat, and she loves it. She's been scooting around in a circle lately and got caught in the curtains and fell asleep.

I gave Hazel her parrot rattle and it ended up on her shoulder three different times.

Hazel has discovered her hands and loves to put them in her mouth and pick things up. She also just likes to observe them.

Brendan with Hazel.

After Hazel's bath, I put her on the bed and was looking for an outfit to put on her and when I turned around she was out. She likes to suck on blankets and put herself to sleep.

1 comment:

ivyjeanne said...

she is SO darling. truly she is. christian likes to curl up with a blanket on our bed too after he's bathed or showered. i can't believe how fast they grow!