
Mother's Day

My day started out with a nice breakfast made by Brendan.  He made eggs benedict with a homemade hollandaise sauce, hash browns, and orange juice. 

For dinner Brendan barbecued some swiss cheese and mushroom hamburgers and shish kabobs.  They were delicious! He even used some mesquite wood chips, so they had great flavor. We really LOVE hanging out in our backyard.

And of course we needed some juicy watermelon.  Hattie and Hazel were loving it.

Hazel had a roll and Hattie stole it from her.  Whenever Hazel tried to get it back, Hattie would get angry and hold onto it for dear life and arch her back and pull away.  Hazel just thought it was funny. 

Hattie pointing again.

Brendan's parents gave me this pretty hanging flower basket for Mother's Day.

 For Brendan's mom, I had a set of 9 magnets made from my Instagram photos of the kids and I tied it up in a little bow.  You can purchase your own here.

I also made a card with this quote on it that I got from the eighteen25 blog.  You can download it in many different colors.  I printed it on card stock and put this cute questionnaire inside that I made.  I asked Hazel questions about Brendan's mom and wrote down her responses.  It was a simple but cute little gift.  I found the quiz idea from the craftingchicks blog. 

Oh and I finished this book the day before Mother's Day.  It was very inspirational and made me want to be a better mom.


Tabitha said...

Ohhh! I have been wanting to read Nie Nie's book. Is it good? Is it worth buying or should I just borrow or it or get it from the library?

Dawn said...

Wow Dana what a lunch! It looks delicious.

I love that Hattie is fighting back to keep the roll. She is so cute and I can't believe she is standing. It wouldn't surprise me if she was walking by next week. I think you walked at 8 months.

The garden looks amazing. I'm a little jealous because mine is seriously lacking this year. I know I have a good excuse. Hopefully I can at least get some tomatoes planted. Feel free to come help me anytime and hold my new baby. Love you.