
New Lens

For our anniversary Brendan bought me a new lens.  It's the Canon EF24 - 70MM F/2.8L.   I've been enjoying photography, but there is a lot to learn.  With my new lens you are supposed to be able to get crystal clear images, but I'm still working on that.  Any tips from photographers would be appreciated.

Hazel's hair has been getting longer, so I put her hair in pigtails for the first time yesterday.  I remembered seeing some pretty places to take pictures on my run up the canyon the other day, so I took Hazel over to practice using my lens.  She looks so grown up.  As Hazel was wandering the halls at church on Sunday, two people asked me when she was going into nursery.  She still has another five months.


Loni said...

Okay Dana, when my babies come I want you to do a photo shoot for me since you have all the fancy camera equipment!

Diana Smith said...

Hey remember us, the smiths? from byu 147th, well I decided to comment since I don't want to stalk your blog haha, that is soooo cool that you got that lens. I only have 2 and feel so limited as to what i can do. Your little girl is gorgeous and i bet she is the best model for you haha, take care!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new lens. How fun! Hazel does look so grown up. It's amazing how pictures can do that.

Tabitha said...

Love the pigtails (and the onesie is cute too!)